Notorious Karen Who Called the Cops on Black Bird-Watcher Lost as she Sued Her Employer for Firing Her.


The white woman who called the police on a Black bird-watcher for nothing other than being Black, filed a lawsuit against her former employer. She claimed they wrongfully terminated her and defamed her as a racist. According to NBC News, she lost her little suit.

To be honest, she’d be filing defamation suits left and right if she wanted to track down everyone who called her a racist. What a day it was when Twitter got a hold of that video of Amy Cooper calling the police on a Christian Cooper, a bird-watching Black man. Christian told NBC he asked her to put her dog back on her leash, in accordance with Central Park’s policy. In response, the karen dialed 911 alleging an “Africa America man” threatened her and her dog, as it vigorously tried to wiggle from her grasp on the collar.
